Purpose | Mid Volume Production |
Manual Load | |
Performance | High Precision |
High Repeatability | |
Footprint without stand |
67 x 29 x 29 (L x W x H) |
Footprint w with stand |
67 x 29 x 62 (L x W x H) |
Stations | Up to 4 Stations |
Solder Capacity | 2 x 40 lb | 2 x 18.1 kgs |
Static Range | 5 x 8 x 4” | 125 x 200 x 100 mm |
Dynamic Range | 4 x 4 x 2.5” |100 x 100 x 64 mm |
Flux Static Range | 4 x 4 x 2.5” |100 x 100 x 64 mm |
The Odyssey 925 is a mid-range lead tinning machine for electronic component tinning and re-tinning applications. It is capable of production volume processing, and efficiently priced and sized. The Odyssey 925 lead tinning system can be configured with 4 possible stations, including a 40 lb solder pot for scavenge, flux station, preheat station, and a dynamic solder pot for high precision tinning application. Optional rotation is available to handle QFPs and other multi-sided components.
ClientClient NameServicesArt Direction, PhotographyYear2018