Purpose | High Volume |
High Mix Capacity | |
Performance | High Precision |
High Repeatability | |
99 x 53 x 64” (L x W x H) |
Stations | Up to 6 Stations |
Solder Capacity | 280 lb | 127 kgs |
Static Range | 5 x 8 x 4” | 125 x 200 x 100 mm |
Dynamic Range | 4 x 4 x 2.5” |100 x 100 x 64 mm |
Flux Static Range | 4 x 4 x 2.5” |100 x 100 x 64 mm |
3rd Station Preheat | Standard | 4 x 8” (W x L) |
The Odyssey 1325 Lead Tinning Machine is a mid to high volume production machine for electronic component tinning and re-tinning applications. The Odyssey 1325 can strip, flux, tin, re-tin and solderability test electronic components with high repeatability and durability. Availability features include flux and solder stations. Hentec provides total control to set process parameters with immersion depths, dwell times, insertion and extraction speed, acceleration, impeller speeds, and all I/O.
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