Hentec Industries/RPS Publishes an Engineer’s Guide to Component Re-Conditioning Process
Gold plating dissolves rapidly during soldering and can result in gold embrittlement. This tech paper examines how to re-condition electronic components prior to soldering.

Newman Lake, WA (April 13, 2021) – Hentec Industries/RPS Automation, a leading manufacturer of selective soldering, lead tinning and solderability test equipment, announces that it has published an engineer’s guide to the component re-conditioning process. This tech paper encompasses critically important information about re-conditioning of electronic components prior to soldering and is entitled “An Engineer’s Guide to Component Re-Conditioning Using the Robotic Hot Solder Dip Process.” This 6-page tech paper outlines essential information for high reliability circuit board assembly applications and can be downloaded by accessing www.circuitnet.com/papers.
Topics covered within this publication include gold embrittlement, gold removal, component re-conditioning, BGA de-balling, re-tinning standards compliance and solderability test methods. The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing component re-conditioning to an external service provider vs, insourcing with an internal component re-tinning operation are covered including cost and production backlogs.
About Hentec Industries
Hentec Industries/RPS Automation is a manufacturer of automated selective soldering, component lead tinning, and solderability test equipment for electronics and electronic component manufacturing, assembly, and distribution. Hentec/RPS has been advancing automated soldering and lead finishing technology for defense, aerospace, automotive, contract manufacturers and micro-electronics component manufacturers since the early 90’s. All Hentec/RPS products are designed and manufactured in Newman Lake, Washington. For more information, please visit us at www.rpsautomation.com.
If you would like more information on system sales, please contact Tom Baro at 509-385-1228 or tbaro@rpsautomation.com.